True Love and Profound Bonds

So it all started when Once Upon A Time aired on ABC...
...but that's going back a tad too far; aside from the fact that the character of Rumplestiltlskin/Mr. Gold intrigued me.

Let's jump to episode 1.12 - Skin Deep. I'd been attracted to Rumple from day one, but it never really went anywhere, I had Dean and Cas to worry about. But, I don't know, time went by I guess and things change. Not drastically, but I've gotten used to Cas being gone (tonight's promo really didn't help much there, I'm not sure I can get over it again) and I sorta settled into the nostalgic feel of Supernatural, back to basics, just the boys...but so much has changed since s.1 and it'll never be the same. 

I'm talking in circles, here. I kinda feel guilty about this new OTP, like I'm cheating on Dean/Cas or something...Oh right. Rumple has a pairing. Apparently more than one if you hit, but this one's legitimate. His story was Beauty and the Beast.

I agonized over this development for days until I realized, while driving home from work the other night
 listening to Backstreet Boys, it made sense. I could explain it away, but I think comparing the two pairs with screencaps might make it a little easier to understand, and possibly a little more organized.

Rumplestiltskin is the self proclaimed
town coward; he knows his place. He
ran from war causing a great loss in
battle only to return home to a wife
that left him. His son is all he has left
in the world and as his birthday draws
near, Rumple will do anything to keep
him out of battle.
Dean is a simple man with the world
on his shoulders. Having lost both
parents, years apart, to the same
demon who also has frightening
plans for his brother, all he can depend
on is the one rule he's always lived by:
protect your bother, and he will do
whatever it takes to save his brother
from the forces of evil set on ruining
their lives.

With no other option, in the dead of
night they run. An old beggar takes
them in and reveals the secrets of the
Dark One, urging Rumple to steal
the dagger that binds him to either
control him, or kill him and wield
his power as his own.
When Sam dies, Dean has nothing
left to lose and, living on borrowed
time already, takes to the crossroads
intent on trading Sam's life for his
soul with ten long years to spend
with his brother. He gets his brother,
but only a year with him.
Rumplestiltskin became the new
Dark One, turning himself into a
monster. Others come to him only
out of desperation t make deals with
him for their own purposes, if  they
have enough to offer him in return.
In Hell, Dean was well on his way
to becoming a demon himself. For
thirty years he held fast, taking all
Alistair had to offer, until he could
no longer stand the torture; until he
got off the rack, picked up the
knife and started torturing souls.
Enter Belle.
She sacrificed her freedom for the
good of the town agreeing to go with
Rumple forever so her town could
win a war. He kept her as his servant
and she stayed in the dungeon, all the
while learning more about this
man and falling in love with him.
Enter Cas.
The Angel who pulled the Righteous
Man from Hell. The one constantly
reminding Dean of his worth as the
hunter fought him about his destiny
...and eventually had Castiel questioning
his own faith in favor of Dean's belief in
humanity over Heaven. (falling in love)

True Love's Kiss can break any spell.
Which is what this would've done 
- started to do - but that shed learned
that bit of info from The Queen 
Rumple questioning her intentions;
not one to trust anyone, never mind
someone claiming to love him.
"I Gace Everything Fror You!"
So hey never ctually kissed, but it was
close thing (three inches). Dean has
hinted and Cas has downright
screamed his love, but neither ever
really heard the other
~* Damn this part's gonna be tough...can't even go through 'caps of 6.20 without crying... *~

The face of a man betrayed:
Rumple's reaction to Belle's supposed
"plan" to kill the beast. She'd tried to tell
him the truth but he couldn't believe it,
not being what he is. nothing compared to the utter
betrayal here. If Cas had just explained
everything to Dean the way he did for us,
Dean would've been more understanding.

So, he sends (her/him) away...

(He/She) puts up a fight, tries to explain...

But none of that mattered.

The Dean/Cas scenario really goes from the bottom up, but the 'caps were just so perfect and the story is the same

The Queen comes to Rumple, months
later, happily informing him of Belle's
demise at the hands of the townspeople,
affronted by her siding with the monster
The Leviathans are practically giddy as
they tell Dean his Angel is gone. Dead.
This point is made even more clear as his
vessel explodes in the lake...
Now the ones left behind live half a life filled with regret and sorrow, believing the other dead and doing their best to move on with their lives...
Rumple as Mr. Gold, Stroybrooke's
pawn shop owner, still making deals
wherever he can, and the only one
aside from The Queen, Ms. Mayor,
who knows the truth about the curse
on the town...and his true identity.
But Dean...not only did he lose his best
friend (lover), but his surrogate father and
he tries to hold it together as his brother's
fighting Lucifer in the comfort of his own
head. He can't even manage a false smile
without breaking...Dear Mr. Fantasy </3
But neither know the truth about their significant other:
Belle, locked in a dungeon that looks
suspiciously like a psych ward.
Anyway, it's the basement of a hospital,
carefully guarded by a nurse stationed by
The Queen The Mayor.
7.17 finds Cas in an institution...
where Dean is likely leaving his
sociopathic brother and gaining an
Angel who doesn't know what he is,
all their issues being one-sided and
making Dean feel even worse...

I wonder if a kiss from Dean could
cure him ;-)


Is it wrong to find him so adorable? 


post-season finale update:

Rumplestiltskin, The Dark One, has a better view on love than Dean ever will. Telling Dean you love him is like bagging your head against a brick wall; it's pointless and you're only hurting yourself. He's a stubborn jackass incapable of change. Clearly Rumple is not so afflicted, although he has had more time to miss Belle; Cas was only gone for  a few months and Dean's been pissed at him longer than that...AND Dean technically forgave Cas the second he asked for help but that plus an apology shouldn't be enough to make things ok after what he did, but it is and Dean can't accept that.

"The angels, they don't care. I think maybe
they just don't have the equipment to
care. It seem like when they try it just,
breaks them apart"
"It was a brief flicker of light amidst an
ocean of darkness"

The fake reunion:
"I love you guys!"
"Yes, I'll protect you"

Belle doesn't remember him...
Cas is kinda insane...

Now this is the real thing: 
"I love you"
"I don't wanna make you
uncomfortable, but I detect a
 hint of forgiveness"

"I love you, too"
"Yeah, well, we're probably
gonna die tomorrow, so."

Back Together
They're love is simple - perfect - beautiful.
And more importantly, straight to the point.
Belle remembers everything, and Rumple
finally told her he loves her. Thirty years of
believing her to be dead and longing for
her...and she doesn't even force a kiss at
their reunion, respecting his need for magic
to protect himself against the Evil Queen;
accepting his love and embrace and his
promise of everything to come.
They're love is complicated and subtextual.
Oh, the subtext. Nothing is ever outright
with these two. Dean has never been
good with emotion, but he's told Cas how
he feels in his own way many times over
the years; most recently by keeping the
trench coat and now this. The second Cas
is sure of Dean's forgiveness, he gives up
his newfound stand on peace and fights
alongside Dean, just because he asked.

As shit hits the fan, they're in it together. 
Magic is coming, and they're at ground zero.
They kill Dick Roman. Together. Then wind up
trapped in Purgatory from the magical backlash.
They will reconnect - rediscovering their love,

True Love    =    Profound Bond


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